Structural Steel is in Demand


We’ve been noticing a significant increase in the demand for structural steel in the past several months. It is being driven by investments into infrastructure and major project developments. Some of these developments are happening right here on our doorstep – from Aurora’s new medical marijuana operation, to the new Costco, the Outlet Collection mall, to Ford’s new distribution centre – the Leduc-Nisku and Edmonton International Airport area is seeing a boon of exciting development.

Major Steel Projects Underway

When it comes to demand for structural steel Edmonton and Calgary are both home to major projects. The new Stantec tower, one of the tallest buildings in Canada, used in order of 1,580,000 pounds of reinforced steel. With other major high rises slated for development in both capital cities, Reliable Welding is well-positioned as a structural steel company and as a provider of stud work and foundation screw piles for these projects.

We can cut and weld to specifications and have the yard space to handle larger projects. located out of the Nisku industrial area we are well situated for transportation and delivery.

Alberta boasts a number of companies that handle structural steel who are supported by a large force of skilled labour that can meet the demand. These welders and fitters also work on other projects.

While some of these companies only specialize in specific aspects, Reliable Welding provides a full-range of structural steel fabrication services and products.

With the slowdown in the oil-and-gas industry we have diversified strongly into the pipe and piling (screw piles) industry. Now that the industry is starting to get back on its feet we will continue to supply oilfield and drilling components such as doghouse watertanks, shale bins, and SCR buildings.

Some of our projects that are underway have projected tonnage of 60,000 tons and this could double. And that’s just the piling! This is just one major project but we are starting to see more of these and we have room for growth.

About Reliable Welding

At Reliable Welding, being able to provide high-quality structural steel doesn’t come without providing a good quality of life for our team. We are an outfit comprised of hardworking people, dedicated, that are able to enjoy the fruits of their labour. We’ve been very fortunate since the company’s beginning in 1978 to see the growth of the team, their families, and now generations of their families.

We are certainly proud to be in the International Region of Nisku-Leduc. We are supported by an impressive world-class infrastructure and community.

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